Sunday 11 October 2015


The Sprite is often depicted as a small fairy, they have wings and if seen are normally mistaken for large exotic insects because of their wings.

The word sprite comes from the lain Spiritus meaning spirit, there are a few other variations like the Celtic spriggan or spright. It's often used to mean elves and fairies in European folklore although it's rarely used now.

The belief in these sprites which include tree spirits, elves, fairies, pixies, the Spanish duende, Japanese yokai and many other fairy types has been common all over the world and to some extent be found in neo-spiritual movements like Asatru and druidism. In some elemental magic and rituals the sprite is often believed to be the air element. The belief in these spiritual creatures like ghosts and fairies is nearly universal over the human culture.

They often live in big groups in the deep woods with other fairy beings. They have a short attention span but are curious and like to harass flying insects like butterflies. They can fly far and fast without rest, tending the fairy gardens, eating the bugs that feed on the flowers.

Although they look small and sweet they can be vicious, biting ans swarming if felt threatened. Attacking people that get to near to their gardens, threaten or endanger the trees and plant life around them or themselves.

They have been in fairy tales and even movies for a long while, although they aren't as popular or well known now a days.  

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